Two fun things on the internet: Ursula K. Le Guin writes about book discovery at Book View Cafe and even throws in an old joke in the comments. I love this site (and I’m on Goodreads—goofy picture and all—and love it) but I also love wandering actual bookshops because I find books outside my usual zones. (I’ve pasted Le Guin’s schedule in from her calendar in case you’re in—or going to—the Pacific Northwest and can go see her, she’s fabulous.)
Elsewhere, the ghost of Wm. Shakespeare is haunting publishing with yet another title (“AKA Shakespeare: A Scientific Approach to the Authorship Question“) on the “authorship” question. Not at all unconnected, check out Sarah Smith’s A New Shakespeare Poem here for only 99c.
- April 3, 2013, Noon
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St. NE
Salem, OR
UKL reads from Finding My Elegy - April 12-13-14, 2013.
Get Lit at the Beach
Tolovana Arts Colony
Cannon Beach, OR - April 21, 2013, 2: p.m.
Milepost 5
900 NE 81st Ave
Portland, OR 97213
UKL is among the poets reading from the new “cooperative” bookThese Mountains That Separate Us - May 9, 2013
More information TBA
University Book Store
4326 University Way, N.E.
Seattle, Washington 98105
UKL appears at the book launch for Squaring the Circle, by Gheorghe Sasarman, published by Aqueduct Press. With Mariano Martin, who translated the book from Romanian into Spanish, and whose translation UKL translated into English. Various languages may be spoken. - June 15, 2013, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Oregon’s oldest bookstore
15 East Second Street
The Dalles OR
Reading and signing with Roger Dorband from Out Here.